Test Bank For Preliminary Edition of Statistics Learning from Data 1st Edition by Roxy Peck

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Test Bank For Preliminary Edition of Statistics Learning from Data 1st Edition by Roxy Peck

Chapter 2: Graphical Methods forDescribing Data Distributions Concept QuizName _________________________The answers to the questions below frequently depend on remembering facts, under- standing concepts, and knowing statistical vocabulary. Before answering, be sure to read carefully!
T F 1. 2.3.4.T F 5. T F 6. T F 7.8.T F 9. 10.11. T F 12.
A univariate data set must contain numerical, not categorical, data.
A segmented bar chart uses rectangles rather than circles to display different categories in a set of data.
A numerical variable is continuous if it’s possible values correspond to isolated points on the number line.
A time series plot is a graph of data that has been gathered at different points in time.
A pie chart is most useful for numeric data.In a histogram, class intervals are required to be the same length. A bar chart is a graphical display of categorical data.In a scatter plot, both the horizontal and vertical axes must start at zero.A unimodal set of data is one that contains only one variable.Chapter 2, Concept Quiz Page 1 of 1
If the upper tail of a distribution stretches out farther than the lower tail, the distribution is negatively skewed.
An outlier is a data value that is unusually far from the rest of the values in a data set.
When using histograms to compare groups of different sizes, one may use either frequencies or relative frequencies for the vertical axis and still be effective.

Chapter 2, Concept Quiz1. F

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  2. F
  3. T
  4. F
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Answer Key
Chapter 2, Concept Quiz
Answer Key
Page 1 of 1
Chapter 2: Graphical Methods forDescribing Data Distributions Section 2.1-2.3Name ___________________________1. The article “New Rules Would Protect Students” (USA Today, June 16, 2010) reported the percentage of students who received loans to attend college that had defaulted on the loan within 3 years of when the student was scheduled to begin repayment of the loan. Information was given for public colleges, private non-profit colleges, and for-profit colleges.
Loan StatusGood Standing In Default
Public Colleges.928 .072
Relative Frequency Private Non-profit Colleges.953.047
For-Profit Colleges.833 .167
a) Construct a comparative bar chart that would allow you to compare loan status for the three types of colleges.
b) The article states “those who attended for-profit schools were more likely to default than those who attended public or private non-profit schools.” What aspect of the comparative bar chart supports this statement?Chapter 2, Quiz 1, Form A Page 1 of 4
2. The stem-and-leaf plot below displays the weights (in ounces) for a random sample of tomatoes grown on a local farmWeights of Tomatoes (oz)
stem: onesleaf: tenths
(a) Briefly describe the distribution of tomato weights.
(b) What is the weight of the heaviest tomato in the sample?
Chapter 2, Quiz 1, Form A Page 2 of 4

3. Knowledge of where animals forage for food is essential for effective wildlife management and conservation. The data below are foraging heights (in m) for a sample of Mountain Chickadees. The data are taken from two different species of fir trees: the Douglas fir and the White fir.Douglas: 22, 15, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 18, 19, 19, 10, 10, 13, 13, 14 6,7, 7,8,8,9,3White: 28, 25, 21, 21, 18, 18, 16, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 12, 12, 13 13,11,11, 8, 8, 7, 5, 3(a) Display these data using a comparative (back-to-back) stem-and-leaf plot. Use the stems shown below, and be sure to include all information needed to compare the two distributions.

                   |0L|                   |0H|                   |1L|                   |1H|                   |2L|                   |2H|
Chapter 2, Quiz 1, Form A Page 3 of 4
(b) Compare the distributions in part (a). What differences and similarities do you observe in the two distributions?
(c) When Mountain Chicadees are sampled to assess their health, they are captured in mist-nets, which are set to capture the birds at different heights. The mist nets are about 2 meters high, and directions must be given to the persons who set up the nests so that the mist-nets are positioned to capture the most birds. Based on the data from part (a) and your display in part (b), write a short paragraph describing the appropriate mist-net height in a forest region of Douglas firs and for a forest region of White firs.
Chapter 2, Quiz 1, Form A Page 4 of 4


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