Test Bank For Practicing College Learning Strategies 7th Edition by Carolyn H. Hopper

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Test Bank For Practicing College Learning Strategies 7th Edition by Carolyn H. Hopper

Score from take-home portion of exam turned in last regular class meeting (______/20_points) *(To be filled in by instructor) 

Final Exam

All questions are one point each unless otherwise indicated.

Multiple Choice. Put the letter of the best answer in the blank.

_____ 1. When writing the answer to an essay question you should

a. plan major points.

b. have a strong thesis statement.

c. support major points.

d. all of the above.


_____ 2. The most effective time to study for a lecture class is

a. after class.

b. before class.

c. right before you go to bed.

d. not necessary to study for this type of class.


_____ 3. When registering for a new semester, you should take into consideration that for every     hour in class you will probably need to plan for at least

a. 5 hours of study out of class.

b. 3 hours of study out of class.

c. 15 minutes between classes. 

d. 2 hours of study out of class.


_____ 4.  John was assigned to read a chapter in his psychology textbook.  He should begin his     assignment by

a. reading the chapter’s introduction, headings and summary and examining the graphic     material in it.

b. waiting until after the lecture so he will know what’s important to the professor.

c. underlining the information that he eventually wants in his notes.

d. turning to the first page of the chapter and reading through in one sitting.


_____ 5. Dr. James Zull says that students should 

  1. memorize as much material as they can.
  2. memorize, mobilize and manipulate new information.
  3. move toward becoming more visual.
  4. move from being receivers of knowledge to producers of knowledge.


_____ 6. Four factors that influence whether information reaches even short term 

    memory are

  1. intent, interest, background, understanding
  2. knowledge, comprehension, analysis, synthesis
  3. record, reflect, review, summarize
  4. time, place, circumstances, attitude


True/False Questions. Write True or False in the blank.

False 1. It is better to process analytically than globally.

False 2. When taking class notes, it is important to spell all words correctly.

False 3. The question-in-the-margin method should be used in all reading.

False 4.  The multiple choice option “all of the above” is always the correct response.

False 5. A question that contains the word never is always false.

True 6. Most true/false tests contain more true statements than false ones. 

True 7. You should preview the test and read directions carefully before you begin a timed test.

True 8. T/F statements tend to be false when they state a reason.

False 9. Examples of negatives are no, never, always, and only.

True 10. Stress can make you physically ill.

False 11. You should answer test questions in the order you come to them.

True 12. Assertive people take up for themselves while respecting the rights of others.

False 13. The highest level on Bloom’s taxonomy is comprehension.

Using the phrase, “Being a successful student is like driving” as your analogy, give TWO specific pieces of advice to a new college student. Be sure to give both sides of the analogy.

1. Answers will vary.

2. Answers will vary.

Question-in-the-Margin Notes: Read the following passage. Pretend that I am giving this as a lecture. On the next page illustrate how you would take notes according to the Question-in-the-Margin system. By doing this you have illustrated the first two steps of the question in the margin system, Record and Question. In the spaces provided at the bottom of the passage, explain the remaining 4 steps. (8 points for notes and explanations)

Before you begin a new semester you should probably review your email etiquette. The impression you make on your instructors is important and often the first impression is an email from you. For emailing your instructors you should use your college account. 

     Don’t write anything in your email you wouldn’t say in public. Anyone can easily forward your message, even when done accidentally. This could leave you in an embarrassing position if you divulge personal or confidential information. If you don’t want to potentially share something you write, consider using the telephone. Use Subject Line to summarize the text of your message. With so much spam (junk email), your message will likely be deleted without being read if you don’t put a subject.  And be sure to use a Spell checker before you send. This is an option on most email servers. Email, like conversation, tends to be sloppier than communication on paper. That’s OK, but even with email you don’t want to appear excessively careless. Read the email before you send it.

    Keep your message short and focused. Include your name at the bottom of the message. The message contains your e-mail address (in the header), but the many times the header may show only the user name and the recipient will not know who the message is from unless you “sign” your email. If you are sending it to your instructor, it’s a good idea to identify the class you are in. (Use the HELP section to create a signature block if you wish, but here I simply mean include your name.) You should check your Email at least once a day. Answer pertinent emails as soon as possible.  Email is an important tool for communication. Make sure you are using it to your advantage. 


Why review email etiquette?

Impression on prof

Use college acct

What are some cautions when emailing?

Nothing wouldn’t say in pub

No personal or confidential info

Use sub line

Use spell check

Read before send

Message short focused

Sign it

When should email be checked?

Check email at least once a day

You have recorded information and then written a question it in the recall (cue) column. Now, list and explain the remaining four steps.

1. Recite – cover the answer ask question say answer out loud in own words.

2. Reflect- think about it—make it personal—connect to thing you know.

3. Review- as soon as possible after you take your notes then before you go to next class period—then      periodically.

4. Summarize- either by writing a short paragraph or mapping, making flash cards, etc.

Question-in-the-Margin for Texts. Illustrate how to mark your textbook using the question-in-the-margin system by writing your questions in the margin and marking the textbook page below. (7 points)

Answers will vary.

The Benefits of Earning a College Degree

The following are just a few of the more important reasons why a college degree is worth the time, effort and cost required to earn one.

Higher Earning Potential

One of the most important and obvious reasons to earn a college degree is to increase your earning potential. That fact of the matter is, if you obtain a college degree, you’re more likely to earn more money throughout your career than if only have a high school education. According to the United States Census Bureau, individuals achieve the following degree levels earned the following median annual salaries: PhD’s, $100,000 or more; master’s, $63,000; bachelor’s, $55,700; associate’s, $42,000; high school diploma, $32,500. In addition, on average, bachelor’s degree holders earn about $2.3 million over their lifetime, while those with advanced degrees, including masters, doctoral, and professional degrees earning $2.7 million, $3.2 million and $3.7 million, respectively. However, area of study and career field have a huge impact of annual salary and lifetime earnings. For example, a bachelor’s degree holder that works in management or engineering will usually earn more than someone with a master’s degree who works in education or social work.

Individuals who only finish some college have a lifetime earnings estimate of $1.55 million. And those with a high school diploma can look forward to earning about $1.3 million over their lifetime. So is four-years of college education (at a cost of about $50,000) worth earning an extra $1 million dollars you’ll earn over your lifetime? We think so.

More Job Opportunities

So are you really that much smarter if you earn a college degree? Well, that all depends on you–but in most cases the answer is yes. Even if you don’t remember everything you were taught in college, most students come away with (1) a greater ability to think analytically and (2) the discipline to see a task through from beginning to end–two very attractive qualities in an potential employee. For that reason, and several others, employers seek after college graduates when looking to fill job positions. Earning a college degree will greatly enhance your marketability as a professional.

Not only does a college degree make you more marketable, it makes you more marketable to a much greater range of lucrative career options. While high school graduates can look forward to entry-level positions in non-skilled positions, graduates with a four-year bachelor’s degree will qualify for a much greater range of higher paying entry- and upper-level career positions. Earn a master’s degree or PhD and the career advancement opportunities are limitless.

Earning a college degree–at any level–will open doors for you that would otherwise but shut. In addition to the skills and knowledge acquired by earning a degree, attending college provides professional networking opportunities inaccessible to those who don’t go to college. And the career networking opportunities typically increase with every level of education attained (e.g. associates, bachelor, master, and doctoral).

Greater Benefits

Studies have shown that college graduates are more likely to receive greater employer-provided benefits than employees without a college degree. This is especially true when it comes to healthcare coverage. A 2008 report produced by College Board showed that roughly 70 percent of individuals with a four-year college degree received health insurance from their employer, while less than 50 percent of employees with only a high school diploma received the same benefit.

Across the board, college graduates are able to find jobs with better benefits. In addition to health care insurance, college graduates can look forward to better retirement matching, health savings accounts, tuition reimbursement, free childcare and reimbursement for travel and commuting costs. In some instances, a benefits package can be worth almost as much as an employee’s take-home pay.

Job Satisfaction

Not surprisingly, college graduates are typically more satisfied with their careers than individuals with a high school diploma–and since we spend almost out entire lives working, job satisfaction can be big factor in our overall satisfaction with life and sense of well-being. Studies have also shown that as level of education increase, so does job satisfaction.

College graduates are typically more satisfied with their careers for a number of reasons. They’re able to find higher paying careers. They’re able to get into positions with job advancement opportunities. They’re able to get hired by employers that provide generous benefits. And most importantly, they’re able work in fields and industries that interest them.

According to 2007 survey from the University of Chicago, some of the most satisfying occupations include physical therapist, firefighter, teacher, clergy, psychologist, education administrator, operating engineer, and office supervisor.

Job Stability

A college degree also leads to greater job stability. During an economic downturn, it’s not uncommon for employers to cut jobs. What positions do you think are first to get cut? That’s right. Typically those at the bottom of the totem pole–positions requiring unskilled labor. During a recession, the unemployment rate among college graduates is substantially lower than the unemployment rate among employees with only a high school diploma.

Certain jobs, however, inherently have a lower unemployment rate than others. According to U.S. News & World Report, some of the jobs with the best job security during a recession include registered nursing, public school teacher, college professor, accountant, federal judge, doctor and air traffic controller. Not surprisingly, most of these jobs also require a college degree.

Benefits to Your Children

When considering the benefits of college, most people only consider the direct impact of a college degree on their own lives–but a college degree has a huge impact on the well-being of their families as well, especially their children. Not only are children of parents with a college education better off socially and economically, but studies have shown that children in households where one or both parents have a college degree are themselves more likely to earn a college degree. Earning a college degree can have a ripple effect that will influence the well-being of generations to come.

There is also an interesting correlation between a woman’s education and the health of her children. A study produced by Lancet, a reputable medical journal, showed that between 1970 and 2009 there was a significant decrease in infant mortality rates for women as they attained higher levels of education.

Ability to Make Better Choices

Earning a college degree enables people to t make better choices the rest of their lives. Not only does a college education provide an individual with new knowledge and information, it teaches them how to think critically, how to break apart and reconstruct complex issues, and how to solve problems. Earning a college degree helps people make better choices about everything from mortgage rates to investment plans to launching a new business.

Ability to Make Better Choices

A college degree also has a very positive impact on an individual’s written and verbal communication skills. Of all the benefits provided by earning a college degree, this is one of the most valuable. Communication skills will influence just about every aspect of your life. The ability to communicate clearly, concisely, and persuasively with help you land the perfect job, improve your career advancement opportunities and enhance your interpersonal relationships with family members and associates


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