Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination 9th Edition by Ball Test Bank

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Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination 9th Edition Ball Test Bank

1. The History and Interviewing Process 2. Cultural Competency 3. Examination Techniques and Equipment 4. Clinical Reasoning 5. Documentation 6. Vital Signs and Pain Assessment 7. Mental Status 8. Growth, Measurement, and Nutrition 9. Skin, Hair, and Nails 10. Lymphatic System 11. Head and Neck 12. Eyes 13. Ears, Nose, and Throat 14. Chest and Lungs 15. Heart 16. Blood Vessels 17. Breasts and Axillae 18. Abdomen 19. Female Genitalia 20. Male Genitalia 21. Anus, Rectum, and Prostate 22. Musculoskeletal System 23. Neurologic System 24. Sports Participation Evaluation 25. Putting It All Together 26. Emergency or Life-Threatening SituationsChapter 02: Cultural Competency

Ball: Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination, the 9th Edition

MULTIPLE CHOICE1. Which statement is true regarding the relationship of physical characteristics and culture?a.Physical characteristics should be used to identify members of cultural groups.b.There is a difference between distinguishing cultural characteristics and distinguishing physical characteristics.c.To be a member of a specific culture, an individual must have certain identifiable physical characteristics.d.Gender and race are the two essential physical characteristics used to identify cultural groups.e.Whereas all cultural traits can be viewed as static, physical traits are dynamic.ANS: BPhysical characteristics do not symbolize cultural groups; there is a difference between the two, and they are considered separately. Cultures are dynamic in their evolution.TOP: Discipline: Behavioral Science MSC: Organ System: General2. A fixed image of any group that rejects its potential for originality or individuality is known as a(n):a.acculturation.b.norm.c.stereotype.d.ethnos.e.custom.ANS: CThis definition describes a stereotype. A norm, on the other hand, is a standard of allowable behavior within a group, ethnos implies the same race or nationality, and acculturation is a process of adopting another culture’s behaviors. A custom refers to a habitual activity of a group in a given situation.TOP: Discipline: Behavioral Science MSC: Organ System: General3. Your new patient is a 40-year-old Middle Eastern man with a complaint of new abdominal pain. You are concerned about violating a cultural prohibition when you prepare to do his rectal examination. The best tactic would be the examination because it is a necessary part of the physical examination.b.ask a colleague from the same geographic area if this examination is acceptable.c.inform the patient of the reason for the examination and ask if it is acceptable to him.d.refer the patient to a provider more knowledgeable about cultural differences.e.forego the examination for fear of violating cultural norms.ANS: CAsking, if you are not sure, is far better than making a damaging mistake. You would not be doing your job as a professional if you deferred the examination without a reason. It is not necessary to refer a skill you are capable of performing.TOP: Discipline: Behavioral Science MSC: Organ System: General4. Which statement is true regarding impoverished people?a.In the United States, socioeconomic status does not influence the delivery of health care.b.The morbidity and mortality rates of impoverished people are greater than those of the middle class.c.The morbidity and mortality rates of impoverished people are less than those of the middle class.d.No reliable statistics exist regarding the relationship of poverty to morbidity and mortality.e.The morbidity and mortality rates of impoverished people are similar to those of the middle class.ANS: BPoorly educated people and people in poverty die at higher rates than those who are advantaged; the same is true for morbidity.TOP: Discipline: Behavioral Science MSC: Organ System: General5. In terms of cultural communication differences, Americans are more likely to _____ than other groups of patients.a.emphasize attitudes and feelingsb.maintain eye contactc.come quickly to the pointd.use silence comfortablye.speak more softly than other culturesANS: CIn the United States, individuals are very direct in conversation and come to the point quickly. They also tend to talk more loudly and to worry less about being overheard.TOP: Discipline: Behavioral Science MSC: Organ System: General6. Which question has the most potential for exploring a patient’s cultural beliefs related to a health problem?a.“How often do you have a medical examination?”b.“What are your age, race, and educational level?”c.“What types of symptoms have you been having?”d.“Why do you think you are having these symptoms?”e.“Do you take herbal remedies?”ANS: DThis open-ended question avoids stereotyping, is sensitive and respectful toward the individual, and allows for cultural data to be exchanged.TOP: Discipline: Behavioral Science MSC: Organ System: General7. A person’s definition of illness is likely to be most influenced by:a.race.b.ritual.c.enculturation.d.age group.e.socioeconomic class.ANS: CThe definition of “ill” is determined in large part by the individual and the process whereby an individual assumes the traits and behaviors of a given culture.TOP: Discipline: Behavioral Science MSC: Organ System: General8. An aspect of traditional Western medicine that may be troublesome to many Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians, and Arabs is Western medicine’s attempt to:a.use a holistic approach that views a particular medical problem as part of a bigger picture.b.determine a specific cause for every problem in a precise way.c.establish harmony between a person and the entire cosmos.d.use herbal remedies and rituals.e.promote balance in an individual’s life.ANS: BA more scientific approach to healthcare problem solving, in which a cause can be determined for every problem in a precise way, is a Western approach. Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians, and Arabs embrace a more “holistic” approach.TOP: Discipline: Behavioral Science MSC: Organ System: General9. A naturalistic or holistic approach to health care often assumes:a.that hot conditions require treatment with a hot remedy.b.a reductionist view that looks to a very narrow cause and effect.c.there are external factors that must be kept in balance.d.that there are hot and cold conditions but not hot and cold remedies.e.that hot and cold conditions are the same among different cultures.ANS: CA naturalistic or holistic approach often assumes that there are external factors—some good, some bad—that must be kept in balance if we are to remain well.TOP: Discipline: Behavioral Science MSC: Organ System: General10. Which maternal factor is most predictive of whether an infant will receive inoculations?a.The mother has family support.b.The mother is divorced.c.The mother breastfeeds.d.The mother uses drugs.e.The mother received prenatal care.ANS: E


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