Test Bank For The Exploration of Economics International Edition 6th Edition by Robert L. Sexton

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Test Bank For The Exploration of Economics International Edition 6th Edition by Robert L. Sexton

Chapter 3—Scarcity, Trade-Offs, and Production Possibilities


1.In a market economy, government officials make most production decisions in a centralized manner.


TOP: 3.1 The Three Economic Questions Every Society Faces | What Goods and Services Will Be Produced?

2.Consumer sovereignty means that consumers vote with their dollars in a market economy, which helps determine what is produced.


TOP: 3.1 The Three Economic Questions Every Society Faces | What Goods and Services Will Be Produced?

3.In a market economy, prices help determine the distribution of goods and services but not the allocation of resources.


TOP: 3.1 The Three Economic Questions Every Society Faces | How Will the Goods and Services Be Produced?

4.An increase in production of one good will have zero opportunity cost only if the economy initially existed at a point inside the production possibilities curve.


TOP: 3.3 The Production Possibilities Curve | The Production Possibilities Curve

5.Capital-intensive production techniques tend to be utilized most commonly in countries where labor is relatively cheap.


TOP: 3.1 The Three Economic Questions Every Society Faces | How Will the Goods and Services Be Produced?

6.High wage countries like the United States tend to use less labor-intensive production methods than low wage countries like Mexico.


TOP: 3.1 The Three Economic Questions Every Society Faces | How Will the Goods and Services Be Produced?

7.An economy that has many unemployed workers and idle factories is not operating efficiently.


TOP: 3.3 The Production Possibilities Curve | Inefficiency and Efficiency

8.The production possibilities curve marks the boundary between attainable and unattainable combinations of output.


TOP: 3.3 The Production Possibilities Curve | The Production Possibilities Curve

9.Any output combination outside the production possibilities curve is attainable in the current period only if prices decrease.


TOP: 3.3 The Production Possibilities Curve | The Production Possibilities Curve

10.A decrease in the unemployment rate will shift an economy’s production possibilities curve outward.


TOP: 3.3 The Production Possibilities Curve | Inefficiency and Efficiency

11.An increase in available resources will tend to cause a society’s production possibilities curve to shift inward.


TOP: 3.4 Economic Growth and the Production Possibilities Curve | Generating Economic Growth

12.An improvement in technology will tend to cause a society’s production possibilities curve to shift outward.


TOP: 3.4 Economic Growth and the Production Possibilities Curve | Generating Economic Growth

13.The opportunity cost of a particular good tends to increase with its rate of output because some resources cannot be easily adapted from the production of one good or service to another.


TOP: 3.3 The Production Possibilities Curve | The Law of Increasing Opportunity Cost

14.The production possibilities curve for an economy that experiences a constant opportunity cost of production is linear (a straight line).


TOP: 3.3 The Production Possibilities Curve | The Production Possibilities Curve

15.The law of increasing opportunity costs implies that a society’s production possibilities curve will be a straight line.


TOP: 3.3 The Production Possibilities Curve | The Law of Increasing Opportunity Cost

Test Bank for “The Exploration of Economics,” International Edition, 6th Edition by Robert L. Sexton

Overview: The Exploration of Economics, 6th Edition by Robert L. Sexton offers an engaging introduction to fundamental economic concepts and principles. The textbook provides a comprehensive overview of microeconomic and macroeconomic theories, as well as practical applications of economics in real-world scenarios. The associated test bank is designed to enhance students’ understanding by offering a variety of questions that cover the textbook’s content in depth.

Content Details:

  1. Introduction to Economics:
    • Overview of economics as a field, including basic economic concepts and principles.
    • Examination of the role of economics in addressing societal issues and resource allocation.
  2. Supply and Demand:
    • Detailed study of supply and demand theories, including shifts and market equilibrium.
    • Analysis of factors affecting supply and demand, including price mechanisms and elasticity.
  3. Consumer Choice and Utility:
    • Exploration of consumer behavior, utility, and the theory of rational choice.
    • Examination of how consumers make decisions and the concept of marginal utility.
  4. Production and Costs:
    • Overview of production processes, including short-run and long-run production functions.
    • Study of costs associated with production, including fixed and variable costs, and economies of scale.
  5. Market Structures:
    • Analysis of different market structures, including perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly.
    • Discussion of pricing strategies and market outcomes in each market structure.
  6. Factor Markets:
    • Examination of labor markets, capital markets, and the role of factors of production in economics.
    • Analysis of wage determination, labor supply, and capital accumulation.
  7. Market Failures and Government Intervention:
    • Study of market failures, including externalities, public goods, and information asymmetries.
    • Discussion of the role of government in correcting market failures and implementing economic policies.
  8. Macroeconomic Concepts:
    • Introduction to macroeconomic indicators, including GDP, inflation, and unemployment.
    • Analysis of macroeconomic models and policies, including fiscal policy and monetary policy.
  9. International Trade and Finance:
    • Examination of international trade theories, trade policies, and the impact of globalization.
    • Study of international finance, including exchange rates, trade balances, and financial markets.
  10. Economic Growth and Development:
    • Exploration of factors contributing to economic growth and development.
    • Discussion of development economics, including poverty, inequality, and sustainable development.

Interactive Features of the Test Bank:

  • Multiple-Choice Questions: Assess understanding of key economic concepts, theories, and applications.
  • True/False Questions: Test knowledge of fundamental principles and definitions.
  • Short Answer Questions: Encourage detailed explanations and critical thinking about economic issues.
  • Problem-Solving Questions: Provide opportunities to apply economic theories to real-world scenarios and case studies.
  • Essay Questions: Allow for in-depth analysis and discussion of complex economic topics and policy implications.


The test bank for The Exploration of Economics, 6th Edition by Robert L. Sexton is a valuable educational tool designed to support students in mastering economic concepts and theories. By offering a range of question types, the test bank helps reinforce students’ comprehension, application, and critical analysis of economic principles. This comprehensive approach ensures students are well-prepared for exams and practical applications in the field of economics.


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