Test Bank Manual for Human Resources Management in Canada Canadian Eleventh Edition 11th Edition by Cole

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Test Bank Manual for Human Resources Management in Canada Canadian Eleventh Edition 11th Edition by Cole

 MULTIPLE CHOICE.  Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1)The definition of ________ is the formal relationships among jobs in an organization.1)_______ A)chainofcommand B)organizational structure C)job hierarchy D)organization chart E)organizational design  2)An organization chart is often used to depict the structure of an organization. The chart is also used to:2)_______ A)clarify the chain of command and show who is accountable to whom. B)specify duties and responsibilities. C)indicate the types of departments established in the firm. D)present a “snapshot” of the firm at a particular point in time. E)There are no exceptions listed above.  3)Which of the following statements about organizational structures is true?3)_______ A)There are four types of organizational structure. B)Flat structures are increasingly the norm. C)Boundaryless organizations are good for topdown management style. D)Emphasis on teams whose members cross organizational boundaries is a characteristic of flat structures. E)Bureaucratic designs are becoming more common.  4)Maria is the Vice President of Operations for a company in the retail industry. She has 10 store managers and 200 associates. The associates report to the store managers and they in turn report to Maria. Management has a decentralized approach towards individual stores. This company has the structure of a:4)_______ A)flat organization. B)bureaucratic organization. C)hierarchical organization. D)boundaryless organization. E)decentralized organization.  5)James Martini is the Director of HR for Study Inc. He is working on a project to restructure the organization. At the moment, the organization has a topdown management approach with many levels of management. Jobs are highly specified with a narrow focus. It wants to move into a more decentralized management approach with a high focus on teams and customer service. The organization is planning to move from a ________ organization to a ________ organization.5)_______ A)flat, bureaucratic B)boundaryless, flat C)bureaucratic, flat D)bureaucratic, boundaryless E)none of the above  6)The process of systematically organizing work into tasks is involved in:6)_______ A)job analysis. B)organizational design. C)job design. D)writing job descriptions. E)job evaluation.  7)The collection of tasks and responsibilities performed by one person is known as:7)_______ A)a job analysis. B)a job specification. C)a position. D)a job description. E)a job.  8)In an office with one supervisor, one assistant, two clerks, and two dataentry operators, there are:8)_______ A)four jobs and six positions. B)six jobs and six positions. C)four jobs and four positions. D)four positions and four jobs. E)four positions and six jobs.  9)Work simplification is an approach to job design. Which of the following statement is true of work simplification?9)_______ A)It may be very appropriate in settings employing highly educated persons. B)It is based on the premise that work can be broken down into clearly defined tasks. C)It can sometimes lead to a reduced demand for premium pay. D)It can be used to motivate highly educated employees. E)It is effective in a changing environment.  10)The field of study concerned with analyzing work methods and establishing time standards is known as:10)______ A)ergonomics. B)job design. C)job analysis. D)industrial engineering. E)job evaluation.  11)Making jobs more rewarding or satisfying by adding more meaningful tasks is primarily associated with:


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